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🤔 May you find something to spark your interest as you approach your own body situation with compassion and an open mind.

I am, Teresa Heit-Murray (she/her) and I have lived asymmetrically with scoliosis in my spine for over 40 years. I am rebalancing the sideways and rotated scoliotic curves in my spine by listening to my body, asymmetrically strengthening the weaker muscles, developing my core, proprioception, rest and more. I am not a doctor, but I have studied with doctors, P.T.s and yoga teachers for over 30 years. With all humility, I do not have all the answers and I continue to ask questions, practice and learn. I am gaining understanding and healing in a way I was told was not possible as an 11 year old girl. If only I knew then what I know now, maybe I would not have scoliosis today. 

It is a possibility for you to heal yourself, it is a question of when will you begin?

You are responsible for your own body. Please start your healing journey however you need to do it. I practice yoga and exercise intentionally with the manifestation of scoliosis in mind. I will share my experience and that of my students and teachers in the spirit of sharing this understanding, that others may eventually grok their own.

Continually discerning this key understanding of what has eluded many doctors about what is going on in the body with idiopathic scoliosis, I have found many things to be part of my healing journey. I hope that you can experience and choose what may be helpful to you.

Please come back often and practice for yourself. Practice for those who may also be on a healing journey of their own. I will be sharing possibilities each time I blog so you can continue to build your own understanding. I know it is hard and often frustrating and painful to live with scoliosis for most of us. I will try to add some easy to follow videos along the way, encourage you to smile and find joy in the gift of living each day even with our teacher, scoliosis, along for the ride. 

Look at yourself in the mirror and marvel at how amazing you are to be standing or sitting there even with scoliosis. Feel your feet on the ground and move from side to side to see how your body compensates for the change in weight and center of gravity. This can be a step in taking control of your own healing, bearing witness to what is in the physical layer of yourself in this moment with curiosity. 


This article was updated on May 14, 2024

Teresa Heit-Murray

Teresa Heit-Murray

Teresa is a Registered Yoga Teacher having completed her 200 hour Pure Yoga training in 2010. Teresa is completing her work to become a RYT-500 through the Prairie teacher training. She continues to increase her knowledge and has a consentraion on therapeutic yoga. She has completed a thesis on Yoga with Scoliosis to help in her own path of healing as well as others.

It is such a joy and blessing to have found yoga. Strength and relief from back pain and stress, is what Teresa came to yoga for in her 20’s. Now that she has been a teacher for over a dozen years, Teresa is happy to continue the traditions of yoga with its benefits for the whole person.

Teresa teaches in a way that helps individual students find what works for their unique anatomy and condition at the moment. Teresa has found yoga has the potential to help with posture, skeletal alignment, muscular strength, pain reduction, joint mobility and even a more positive outlook on life. Teresa also teaches a weekly online meditation as part of a mindfulness sangha. 

Teresa is certified in Yin Yoga with Paul Grilley, Prenatal, Yogakids and Strength and Stability with Lori Gaspar. She has many hours studying Yoga for Scoliosis with Dr. Loren Fishman, Elise Miller and Nancy Fox. She also has special training in healthy back solutions with Gabriel Halpern. 

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